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Hangzhou Aijiashangju Technology Co., Ltd.
{0} лет
Zhejiang, China
Основные продукты:Полотенце для чая, сумка и сумка для магазина, фартук и подушка, прихватка для духовки и подставка для кастрюли, ткань с цифровой печатью

Hoshom is a custom textile printed manufacturer you can trust to work with you through every step of the product design process, giving you high quality digitally printed fabric tailored to your end result. We have the expertise needed to producet printed fabrics with quick turnaround times, and the highest quality available. We're the design team behind the scenes forover 400 active ongoing accounts, ranging inmarkets from apparel, costum, accessories,interiors and arts restoration. We aim to be anintegral part of your design development process, helping you bring your creative ideas tolife onto printed fabric. Your success is oursuccess!



Cherry jiang
Alice wang
Julia Si
Tiffany zhang
Cherry Wang